Wednesday, 2 December 2009

The final countdown...

Well...this is it. The final assignment for the Maya Springboard Program. I can't even begin to tell you how quickly these last few weeks have gone. It's crazy. I'm gonna miss it. Hmm...maybe not the Q&A's at 3.00 in the morning! :) It's been a great experience already, and it's just the begining. I can't wait until January 4th when I officially become an Animation Mentor student :D Big thanks to my mentor Carlos Fins for all his help, and the rest of the class :)

So here's the final assignment. I'm not 100% satisfied with it. The jumps ok...but I just couldn't nail the slip up at the end.


  1. woot! ur gonna learn a ton man!

    i know i've did these past 10 weeks. ur gonna have to say goodbye to ur normal life when AM starts rolling

  2. Hey...great to hear from you man! How's it all going? I'd love to see some of your work dude! Yeah, I've learnt a load about maya already. I can't even imagine how intense it's gonna get in January! But man...what a ride! Can't wait :D Ha

  3. Thanks for stopping by Matt. Congratulations on finishing Springboard, I still remember my Springboard class like it was yesterday. Like Kotaro said; you will learn tons and time will shrink exponentially as you advance. A word of advice, as much fun as AM will be for you in the first few semesters, take each lesson as seriously as a final exam, especially the first 3 terms. They are the foundations for the more advanced classes where you will not have time to re-learn the basics. So, hunker down and get ready for the most fantastic journey of your life.
